Further is an email newsletter with the best hand-picked
health, wealth, and happiness advice for
taking it to the next level in your 50s and beyond.

To get you started right, you’ll get our free three-part course:
Generation X-tended – Living Your Best Life at Midlife

Start Living Your Best Life at Midlife

Health, wealth, and happiness advice delivered to your inbox each week. Take it to the next level with Further.

Where other newsletters often have me searching for the “unsubscribe” link after a few months, Further keeps delivering great content on topics relevant to me. Thanks Brian Clark. Keep it up!

This is a must-have resource for those of us who are in midlife. Brian Clark does his homework and sheds light on so many of the opportunities we have and challenges we face at 50+. Check it out!

This is one of just a handful of email newsletters I stay subscribed to. If you’re in the age group it’s aimed at, it’s essential reading in my eyes.

Worth the time, every single week. Brian does a terrific job of curating only the best for those of us that are excited and leaning into what is next.

Not a lot of high-quality personal growth curators out there, but Brian’s Further newsletter is very good.

I really enjoy the topics and content shared. Really applicable for anyone looking to live a more balanced, purposeful life.


Always enjoy it. Mature food for thought.

Definitely one of my fave emails each week.

Start Living Your Best Life at Midlife

Health, wealth, and happiness advice delivered to your inbox each week. Take it to the next level with Further.